Thursday 23 December 2010

The Rising of Huaraz

When we got back to Huaraz we found out that the University in Huaraz had gone on strike in support of Catac and Recuay. The day after we got back Huaraz was effectively shut down in protest and fear. The Mining Minister in Lima came on TV in the evening and played down the strike saying that it was very small. The people of Huaraz did not take too kindly to this and in a show of strength decided to send the Government a message. The images below are of the some of the centre after the protest in the morning. All the fronts of banks and government institutions were smashed up. A couple of people were hurt by tear gas grenades.

Shortly after this the news in Lima wrongly reported that the strike made no sense as the mine would have no impact on the lake and the people. The struggle continues........

One of the banks to be hit

Justice is served?

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